
Announcing the Launch of Adacta4ETOS Project within ETOS


As part of the Adacta4ETOS project, omegadot will be working on the ETOS project.

omegadot is pleased to announce the commencement of the Adacta4ETOS project, which addresses the critical need for digitalization in chemical research. This initiative also marks a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to establish a robust research infrastructure within the “Elektrifizierung Technischer Organischer Synthesen (ETOS)” network.

ETOS is an interdisciplinary program that bridges organic synthesis chemistry to electrochemical process and reaction engineering, transferring technology from laboratory to industrial scale. omegadot’s participation in the ETOS network reflects the company’s commitment to advancing Research Data Management (RDM), as well as its interest in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and driving innovation in sustainable chemical production.

As part of the Adacta4ETOS project, omegadot will leverage its expertise to adapt and expand the existing Adacta software to meet the specific requirements of ETOS. This initiative will culminate in the development of a comprehensive RDM system tailored specifically for organic electrochemical synthesis, thereby enhancing accessibility and interoperability of research data.

We extend our gratitude to the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) for their generous support and Projektträger Jülich for their invaluable guidance.